Copyright: Matúš Maciak

Dear Colleagues and Friends!

The Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Charles University in Prague cordially invites you to the Workshop Analytical Methods in Statistics (AMISTAT 2015), which will take place in Prague, Czech Republic, in November 10 - 13, 2015.

The workshop follows-up successfull AMISTAT 2011. It is an opportunity to meet, exchange ideas, and to discuss topics on solved and unsolved problems of mathematical statitics, among others concerning the following subjects:

  1. Fisher information
  2. parameter and function estimation
  3. characterization problmes
  4. sufficiency, ancillarity and exponential families
  5. generalized linear models
  6. signal plus noise models
  7. stochastic inequalities
  8. asymptotics versus non-asymptotics
  9. other related subjects of your recent interests

All important information regarding the AMISTAT 2015 Worshop will be posted online on this workshop website.
If you have any questions please contact the organizing committee of the workshop.

Welcome in Prague in November 2015!

Workshop Partners and Sponsors: